We are looking for a ESH configuration and usage for our client on a project basis.

ESH configuration and usage

  • Customer was using TREX on their source landscape.
  • During the transition to RISE they decided to use ESH because their ECC DB migrated to HANA. For this they followed 2054157 – How to migrate Enterprise Search from TREX to SAP HANA sap note.
  • They deleted their old TREX indexes and they setup ESH according to help guide. However, they do not have any experience with ESH for
    – how to create new indexes?
    – how to run search on ESH?
  • They need some KT about ESH configuration and usage.
Start Asap
End 31.12.2025
Location Fully remote (customer located in Vaduz – Liechtenstein)
Workload 40 hours / approx. 5 days (fully remote, splitting of days over the required period to be aligned with project)
  • English

Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.

Jigme de Silva looks forward to hearing from you by e-mail or on +41 43 497 74 35.